Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It's been a couple of days since my last post and not too much has been going on. I've been pretty busy at work and studying for College Algebra. I'm hoping to see Shutter Island this weekend and eat some amazing Thai at this restaraunt I heard about from a friend of mine from work. She says it's the best Thai in SoFlo. I love me some pad thai, that's where it's at. I don't know, for some reason I've gone Thai crazy. Who knew such a small country can make amazing food.

Today I've been listening to a lot of techno/trance/electronica. It's quite soothing and it helps me focus on what I gotta do. Here are some links to some good mixes:

There's a Manchester Orchestra concert comin to town on February 28th that I would want to go to but I'm gonna be in a wedding so I can't go :( I wanna watch some good indie bands perform, but that's obviously not happening. Whatever, maybe some other time.

I got class tonight, then Eikon, can't wait. I'll be updating again soon, peace.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I'm Done

So I pretty much finished my detox on day 5. I couldn't handle it any longer lol. I feel great now though. It's so nice to finally eat again.

Today I have to get some things taken care of around the house, like cleaning n such. Afterwards I have to work on my final draft that's due for my online English class tomorrow. Then I'm pretty much free. That's about it, nothing too special. It's a gorgeous day out today, I think I may go longboarding.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 3&4

Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday, it was a busy day.

So yesterday was my last day of the juice and now the fun stuff begins. I can officially say I'm hungry lol. I want to eat something but then again I don't. I wanna get through this and conquer it. I have 2 days left but I'm thinking about cutting it short 1 day. I wanna eat something this weekend, something healthy and nutritious of course. Next week I'm gonna start excersising regularly so I can keep what I lost. Oh! I forgot to say that I lost 7lbs so far. I can definately see a difference in my figure.

Today I've been listening to pretty chill music, I'm currently listening to the first album from Keane. Tonight I'm most likely going to Justin's to watch the Led Zeppelin concert I got from Netflix w/ JoJo, so that should be fun. Later.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 2 (Regurgitate)

One thing I must say, I'm not that hungry lol. Surprisingly, I'm fine. I was expecting to go crazy and feast on anything that moved, but I guess not lol. I have been peeing a lot lately though, but that's understandable. I am drinking a cup of juice per hour lol. I still haven't had any major bowel movements that I thought I would be having by now, so that's awesome.

Band I'm currently listening to: Luti-Kriss (currently known as Norma Jean)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 1 (Regenerate)

Today is the first day of my detoxification. So far it isn't that bad, the juice actually tastes pretty good. I think I can last 6 days without eating, as long as I have the right mind set. I just got to take one day at a time. I'm hungry but not to the point where I'm willing to kill someone for food, so that's good lol. Well I'll keep updating everyday for whoever reads my blogs which i know isn't a lot haha. God Bless.

Here's a cool video. This is my favorite Muse music video next to Invincible:

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Beginning Monday I will be started a detox for my system. It consists of drinking this punch I have to make. The ingredients are as follows: 6 lemons, 12 oranges, and 6 grapefruits. I have to make 3 gallons worth for the three days i will be doing this. I have to drink a cup an hour for those days. Afterwards, I will have to fast 3 more days.

After all that, my body will be rebooted and I can start a new diet that won't consist of the junk we eat everyday. I will start a healthy lifestyle.

So enough about that. Lets talk about some music. I was online a few days ago and I wanted to do some research on some new indie bands. I went on and found some pretty good ones. Band of Horses, Kaiser Chiefs, Air Traffic, Portugal. The Man, and Doves. I downloaded a lot of their CDs and I enjoy each one. My favorite song from all these guys has to be "The Funeral" by Band of Horses. I remember hearing the song before like on a movie or TV show but I couldn't put my finger on it. But these guys have an awesome sound. The lead singers voice can reach very high notes and its really clear.

I've been wanting to see some indie bands I like in concert but none of them have any tour stops down here in SoFlo. They're plenty of hardcore bands that come down but I rarely hear any news about indie bands. I would really like to see some of these guys perform live. I think some indie bands can give off a lot more energy on stage then hardcore bands. Like when I saw Mute Math last November, that was some crazy stuff. Me and buddies started a mosh pit for almost every song. They're weren't intense though like hardcore pits but it was a lot of fun. It was a packed show, people standing shoulder against shoulder, and it got super hot. By the time the show was done I could barely walk straight cause of the dehydration.

This has nothing to do with what I was talking about, I just think it's funny:

The Premier Post

I just got this sudden urge to start a blog and just share my thoughts about certain things. Having a Facebook is cool and everything but you don't really have the capabilities of doing this. I'm not sure if this is just gonna be a phase or not but I think it would be cool to start writing some blogs.

I'm a huge music lover. I think this is what my blogs are going to be mostly about, music and my passion for it. I'm not a musician but I enjoy listening to it. I can sit for hours in a spot with my iPod and meditate about the music. I recently bought these awesome earbuds call Ultimate Ears and they're the best thing since sliced bread. Every sound that comes out of them is soo crisp and clear, it sounds like a concert going on in your brain. So anyway, I use my earbuds to listen to every instrument, every voice, and every breath.

Music just has this thing that traps me in which I can't explain. Once I start listening I go into my own world where everything is so peaceful and calm.